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How we think about problems matter
Written by Bren Balcombe
Updated: 23.11.2023
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Response-based practice maintains that people are active and responsive actors in their lives (Wade, 1999). We do not subscribe to an objectified version of personhood where people are seen as passively effected or impacted by the world.
Revisiting Michael Whites Analysis of Women who have been abused
Written by: Bren Balcombe
Orignially Published: 04.05.2024
May the 4th (be with you) 2004.
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Based on an except in; Re authoring lives interviews and essays; Interview with Christopher McLean (White,1995, p 92-93). Crediting Allan Wade (Response-based practice) for highlighting and providing original critique of the text.
Critiquing Trauma Informed Practice
Written by Bren Balcombe
Updated 24.11.2023
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Response-based practice (RBP) offers a revised approach to working with violence and trauma. RBP critiques the many established taken for granted concepts about mental health and trauma-informed practices that inadvertently misrepresent the victim of violence/violation.
Honouring Resistance
Dr Allan Wade speaking on how language can mutualise violence and lead to victim-blaming practices.
Consent vs Violence - Our Social Resp, Nov 2017 | Creating Conversations event | Dr Coates, Dr Wade
Dr Linda Coates & Dr Allan Wade explaining Consent vs Violence
Vikki Reynolds on Dignity
Vikki Reynolds at the Dignity conference 2016 speaking on Dignity
Implementing Mahi A Atua as a service response: “Te Kūwatawata ki Hauraki”
Committed to developing indigenous systems for positive community outcomes.
Masterclass Language and Violence Dr Linda Coates 2018
Dr Linda Coates explaining the important of language and the mispresentation of violence.
Follow My Lead Aotearoa
This resource speaks from the voices of people with lived expericne of domestic and whānau violence who need their friends, family and professionals to be more prepared to respond effectively. A RBPAotearoa collaboration with Insight Exchange DVSM.